Software Implementations
Pathway to Success
We guide you through a three-step implementation process:
Initial data entry for permanent data such as clients, employees and project templates.
Testing of routine transactions together with your agency-based transactions that are non-standard.
Going live:
a. Firstly, with the AM, PM and Creative team; and
b. Secondly, with the Accounting team.
We work in an industry where data entry impacts many different aspects of an agency.
Production and Media costs that not only need to be tracked and billed to clients but also linked to eventually pay the vendor as well.
Accounting for unbilled costs too!
Scheduling projects as efficiently as possible, including freelancers.
Tracking new business opportunities and conversions.
Estimating statements of work to ensure a profit is earned.
Managing write-offs by type, employee, project and client.
Examining write-ups (value-adds) by project type.
Determining the ideal employee utilization AND realization in your agency.
Operating using industry best practices.
You can have all of the above with a successful software implementation.